
Soyuz Bibliography of Postsocialist Research

This list is generated from member suggestions. If you wish to add to or update the bibliography, please send information in bibliographic format to Soyuz webmaster Nikolina Zenović (nzenovic [at]

Abramson, David

2001. Identity Counts: Nationality and the Census in Uzbekistan. In Categorizing Citizens: The Use of Race, Ethnicity, and Language in National Censuses. David Kertzer and Dominique Arel, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Forthcoming.

2000. Socialism’s Bastard Children. Political and Legal Anthropology Review 23(1):49-64.

1999. A Critical Look at NGOs and Civil Society as Means to an End in Uzbekistan. Human Organization 58(3):240-250.

Balalaeva, Olga

1999 Svyaschennye Mesta Khantov Srednei I Nizhnei Obi, in Ocherki Istorii Traditsionnovo Zemlepol/’zovaniya Khantov (Materialy k atlasu). Yekaterinburg: Tezis:139-56.

Balalaeva, Olga and Andrew Wiget

1999 Siberian Perspectives on Protected Use Areas as a Strategy for Conserving Traditional Indigenous Cultures in the Context of Economic Development (2): The Yuganskiy Khanty Biosphere Reserve.. In Development in the Arctic: Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Arctic Research Forum Symposium. Ed. Tom Greiffenberg, Copenhagen: The Danish Polar Center. 98-100.

Balzer, Marjorie Mandelstam

1999 The Tenacity of Ethnicity: A Siberian Saga in Global Perspective. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

1999 (with Uliana Vinokurova) Nationalism, Interethnic Relations, and Federalism. Europe-Asia Studies 48(1):101-120.

Barker, Adele, editor

1999 Consuming Russia: Popular Culture, Sex, and Society since Gorbachev. Duke University Press.

Belousova, Ekaterina

2003 Sovremennyi rodil’nyi obriad. In Sovremennyi gorodskoi fol’klor. A. Belousov, I. Veselova, S. Nekliudov, eds. Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities.

2003 ‘Vodnye deti’: predstavleniia o novorozhdennom v subkul’ture dvizheniia za ‘estestvennye rody’. Kodovi Slovenskikh Kultura, 7. Deca.

2002 Belousova, Ekaterina. “‘Natural childbirth’ movement in Russia: self-representation strategies.” Anthropology of East Europe Review 20 (1).

2002 Belousova, Ekaterina. “The preservation of Russian childbirth traditions in the Russian homebirth community.” SEEFA Journal: The Journal of the Slavic and East European Folklore Association 7(2).

Bertrand, Frederic

2003 Une science sans objet ? L’ethnographie sovietique des annees 20-30 et les enjeux de la catÈgorisation ethnique, Cahiers du Monde Russe, 44/1, janvier-mars 2003, 93-110.

2002 L’anthropologie sovietique des annes 20-30 : Configuration d’une rupture. Bordeaux: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux. ISBN: 2-86781-270-4

Beyer, Judith

2007. (together with Roman Knee) Kirgistan: Ein ethnografischer Bildband über Talas / A photoethnography of Talas. Hirmer Verlag.

2007. Imagining the state in rural Kyrgyzstan: How perceptions of the state create customary law in the Kyrgyz aksakal courts. MaxPlanck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers.

2007. Photographs for “Kyrgyzstandagy mazar basuu: Talas tazhryjbasynyn negizinde” (Mazar Worship in Kyrgyzstan: Rituals and Practitioners in Talas). Bishkek: Maxprint.

2006. Revitalisation, invention and continued existence of the Kyrgyz aksakal courts: Listening to pluralistic accounts of history. In: Benda-Beckmann, Franz von and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann (eds.) Dynamics of plural legal orders. The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. Volume 53/54. pp. 141-175.

2005. Rhetoric of ‘transformation’: The case of the Kyrgyz constitutional reform. In: Berg, Andrea and Anna Kreikemeyer (eds.): Realities of transformation: Democratization policies in Central Asia revisited. Baden-Baden: Nomos. pp. 43-62

2005. ‘It has to start from above’: Making politics before and after the March revolution in Kyrgyzstan. In: Danish Society for Central Asia’s  Electronic Quarterly. 1. pp.7-16

2005. Judith Beyer: Die Aksakal-Gerichte in Kirgistan: Historische Entwicklung und aktuelle Situation einer traditionellen Rechtsinstitution in Zentralasien [Aksakal-courts in Kyrgyzstan: Historical Development and Current Situation of a Traditional Legal Institution in Central Asia]. In: Kemper, Michael; Reinkowski, Maurus (Eds.): ‘Gewohnheitsrecht’ (Adat-Recht) zwischen Staat und Gesellschaft: Kaukasus / Mittelasien im Vergleich mit anderen Regionen der islamischen Welt. Berlin: De Gruyter.

2003. “Sravnitel’nyi analiz transformatsionnykh protsessov v Kyrgyzstane i Nigerii (Zapadnaia Afrika): Aktivnost’ grazhdanskogo obshchestva v period vykhoda iz perekhodnogo sostojaniia.” In: Iskakova, Gulnara (Ed.): Konstitutsionnoe stroitel’stvo prezidentsko-parlamentskikh vzaimootnoshenii na postsovetskom prostranstve. Bishkek: OFTSIR; SOROS Foundation

Bilaniuk, Laada

2006. Contested Tongues: Language Politics and Cultural Correction in Ukraine. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

2003. Gender, language attitudes, and language status in Ukraine. Language in Society. 32:47-78.

1999. Speaking of surzhyk: ideologies and mixed languages. Harvard Ukrainian Studies. 21(1/2):93-117.

Burbank, Jane

1997 Legal Culture, Citizenship, and Peasant Jurisprudence: Perspectives from the Early Twentieth Century. In Reforming Justice in Russia, 1864-1994: Power, Culture, and the Limits of Legal Order. Peter Solomon, Jr., ed. Pp. 82 -106. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.

Caldwell, Melissa

2004 Not by Bread Alone: Social Support in the New Russia, Berkeley: University of California Press. Reviewed by Liesl Gambold Miller.

2004″Domesticating the French Fry: McDonald’s and Consumerism in Moscow,” Journal of Consumer Culture 4(1):5-26.

2003 “Race and Social Relations: Crossing Borders in a Moscow Food Aid Program,” in Social Networks in Movement. Time, interaction and interethnic spaces in Central Eastern Eurasia. D. Torsello and M. Pappová, eds. Lilium Aurum: Dunajská Streda (SK), pp. 255-273.

2002 “The Taste of Nationalism: Food Politics in Postsocialist Moscow,” Ethnos67(3):295-319.

2002 co-author with Jennifer Patico, “Consumers Exiting Socialism: Ethnographic Perspectives on Daily Life in Post-communist Europe,” Ethnos 67(3):285-294.

2002 “The Social Economy of Food Poverty in Russia,” Pp. 11-34, in Culture and Economy: Contemporary Perspectives, Ullrich Kockel, ed., Ashgate Publishers.

Cellarius, Barbara A.

2000. “You Can Buy Almost Anything with Potatoes”: An Examination of Barter During Economic Crisis in Bulgaria. Ethnology 39(1): 73-92.

Cellarius, Barbara A., and Caedmon Staddon

2002. Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations, Civil Society and Democratization in Bulgaria. East European Politics and Societies. Forthcoming 16(1).

Chichlo, Boris

1999  Sibérie II : Histoire, cultures, littérature. Paris: Institut d’études slaves.

Crate, Susan

2003 The Great Divide: Contested Issues of Post-Soviet Viliui Sakha Land Use. Europe-Asia Studies, 55(6): 869-888.

2002 Viliui Sakha Oral History: The Key to Contemporary Household Survival. Arctic Anthropology 39(1).

2003 The Legacy of the Viliui Reindeer Herding Complex. Cultural Survival Quarterly, 27(1): 25-27.

2003 Viliui Sakha Post-Soviet Adaptation: A Subarctic Test of Nettingís Smallholder, Householder Theory. Human Ecology, 31(4). (Winter 2003)

2002 Co-option in Siberia: The Case of Diamonds and the Viliui Sakha. Polar Geography, 2002 (4).

Creed, Gerald

1998. Domesticating Revolution: From Socialist Reform to Ambivalent Transition in a Bulgarian Village. 1998. Penn State Univ. Press.

1998. Deconstructing Socialism in Bulgaria. In: Uncertain Transition: ethnographies of change in the postsocialist world. Michael Burawoy and Katherine Verdery, eds. Lanham, MD : Rowman & Littlefield.

1996 Recognizing Rusticity: Identity and Power of Place (with Barbara Ching). In Ching and Creeds, ed., Knowing Your Place: Rural Identity and Cultural Hierarchy. New York: Routledge.

Dana, Leo P.

2002 When Economies Change Paths: Models of Transition in China, the Central Asian Republics, Myanmar, and the Nations of Former Indochine Française, Singapore, London and Hong Kong: World Scientific, Reviewed by Russell Zanca.

2000 “Change & Circumstance in Kyrgyz Markets,” Qualitative Market Research 3 (2), April , pp. 62-73.

Demirdirek, Hulya

2000 ‘Living in The Present:The Gagauz in Moldova’, The Anthropology of East Europe Review, Vol.178 (1), Spring, pp.67-71

2001 ‘Azerbaijan’ and ‘Moldova’ in Countries and Their Cultures, eds. M. Ember & C.R. Ember, Macmillan Library Reference. Forthcoming.

2001 ‘Gagauz Nationalism’ in The Second National Rebirth: Nationalism, National Movements and Nation-State Building in Late- and Post-Communist Society, ed. Egberth Jahn, Mannheim: University of Mannheim. Forthcoming.

De Soto, Hermine G.

1997 (Re)Inventing Berlin: Dialectics of Power, Symbols and Pasts, 1990-1995. City and Society: Annual Review 1996. Pp. 29-49. American Anthropological Association.

Djuric-Kuzmanovic, Tatjana

2001 Challenging Transition in Vojvodina and Serbia: Gender Inequalities and Restructuring in the Textile Industry

2000 Gender Inequalities in Serbia and Vojvodina: Feminist Approach. In: Peripeti, Sweden, Webbtidskriften med genusperspektiv.

( Published in FR Yugoslavia)
2001 Ekonomika Jugoslavije, ekonomika razvoja i tranzicije, (Economics of Yugoslavia – development and transitional economics), Novi Sad: Alef

2001 Citanka iz predmeta ekonomike Jugoslavije – ekonomika razvoja i tranzicije (Readers for the subject Economics of Yugoslavia – development and transitional economics), Novi Sad: Alef

2000 Ka teorijskom okviru istrazivanja rodnih nejednakosti u Srbiji’, (Towards the Theoretical Frame for Researching Gender Inequalities in Serbia), Sociologija, Beograd, Vol.XLII, No.1: 96-107

Faller, Helen

Forthcoming. The Influence of Tatar Language Revival on the Development of Divergent Referential Worlds. The Politics of Identity in Russia & Ukraine: State & Cultural Identities, edited by Dominque Arel, Nancy Popson, & Blair Ruble. To be published by Johns Hopkins University Press: 56 pp.

In Press. Diverging Thought Worlds Among Kazan‚s Publics. In Tatarskaia etnokul‚tura glazami sovremennykh zarubezhnykh issledovatelei. Kazan: Shariq kluby: 6 pp.

2003. One Nation Divisible: The Unmaking of Soviet People in Tatarstan, Russia. Doctoral Dissertation. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.

2003. The Politics of Language Reform and Bilingualism in Tatarstan. Nation-building, Ethnicity and Language Politics in Transition Countries, edited by Farimah Daftary and François Grin. Budapest: European Center for Minority Issues/LGI: 185-211.

2002. Shifting Social Networks in Post-Socialist Kazan. Central Eurasian Studies Review 2 (1), June: 15-17.

2002. Repossessing Kazan as a Form of Nation-Building. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 22 (1), April: 81-90.

Faraday, George

2000. Revolt of the Filmmakers: The Struggle for Artistic Autonomy and the Fall of the Soviet Film Industry. University Park, PA.: Pennsylvania State University Press.

Fondahl, Gail

1999 Autonomous Regions and Indigenous Rights in Northern Russia, in: Dependency, Autonomy and Sustainability in the Arctic, Hanne Petersen and Birger Poppel (eds.), 55-63. Aldershot: Ashgate

1998 Gaining Ground? Evenkis, Land and Reform in Southeastern Siberia, Wilton, CT: Allyn and Bacon.

Fujimura, Clementine

1999. Official and Unofficial Culture: The U.S. Navy. pp. 55-67 in Problems and Issues of Diversity in the United States, Larry L. Naylor ed., Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey.

1997 Russia’s Unwanted Children: a Cultural Anthropological Study of Marginalized Children in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Childhood 4(3).

1996 Childhood in Russia: Representation and Reality. Landham: University Press of America.

Gabriel, Cynthia

Forthcoming. Our Nation is Dying: Choices in Childbearing in Post-Soviet Russia in Carrie Douglas, ed., “Barren States”. Berg Press.

2003 Healthy Russian Food is Not-for-Profit. Michigan Discussions in Anthropology Vol. 15.

2003 The Effects of Perceiving ‘Weak Health’ in Russia: The Case of Breastfeeding Anthropology of East Europe Review Vol 21, No 1, Spring (91-102)

Galbraith, Marysia H.

2003 Gifts and Favors: Social Networks and Reciprocal Exchange in Poland. Ethnologia Europea. 31(1):1-22.

2003 “We Just Want to Live Normally”: Intersecting Discourses of Public, Private, Poland, and the West Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe. 3(1):2-13.

2002 Globalization and Folk Craft Production: The Complementarity of Interdisciplinary Teaching and Research. American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Journal. Pp. 62-68.

2000 On the Road to Czêstochowa: Rhetoric and Experience on a Polish Pilgrimage. Anthropological Quarterly. 73(2):61-73.

Garb, Paula

2000. Garb, P. “Nuclear Environmental Attitudes and Activism in Chelyabinsk (Russia) and Hanford (the United States): More Similarities than Differences,” In D. J. Peterson and Geoffrey D. Dabelko (eds.) The Toxic Legacy of the Cold War in the Former Soviet Union: Assessing Conditions/Finding Solutions. Washington D.C.: Johns Hopkins University Press. Forthcoming.

1999a. Dalton, R., P. Garb, N. Lovrich, J. Pierce, and J. Whiteley. Critical Masses: Citizens, Nuclear Weapons Production and Environmental Destruction in the United States Russia. Cambridge: The MIT Press.

1999b. Roemer, Christina; Garb, Paula; Neu, Joyce; Graham, John L. “A Comparison of American and Russian Patterns of Behavior in Buyer-Seller Negotiations Using Observational Measures.” In: International Negotiation. April, 1-25.

1998a Ethnicity, Alliance Building, and the Limited Spread of Ethnic Conflict in the Caucasus. In Ethnic Fears and Global Engagement: The International Spread of Ethnic Conflict. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Forthcoming.

1998b A Comparison of American and Russian Patterns of Behavior in Buyer Seller Negotiations. Journal of Marketing Research. Forthcoming.

Ghodsee, Kristen.

2005. The Red Riviera: Gender, Tourism, and Postsocialism on the Black Sea. Durham: Duke University Press. Reviewed by Jennifer Cash

Gille, Zsuzsa

2007. From the Cult of Waste to the Trash Heap of History: The Politics of Waste in Socialist and Postsocialist Hungary. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

2000. Cognitive Cartography in a European Wasteland: Multinational Capital and Greens Vie for Village Allegiance. In: Burawoy, M. et al. Global Ethnography: Forces, Connection, and Imaginations in a Postmodern World. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 240-267.

Goluboff, Sascha

2003 Jewish Russians: Upheavals in a Moscow Synagogue. University of Pennsylvania Press.

2001 Fist Fights at the Moscow Choral Synagogue: Ritual and Ethnicity in Post-Soviet Russia. In Anthropological Quarterly, April.

2001 Introduction. In Race Places: Changing Locations of Jewish Identities, special issue of Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, July.

2001 The Savage in the Jew: Race, Class, and the New Market in Post-Soviet Moscow. In Race Places: Changing Locations of Jewish Identities, special issue of Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, July.

2000 A Note from the Guest Editor. In Why Post-Socialism is Good To Think, special issue of Anthropology of East Europe Review. Volume 18(1), Spring.

2000 Re-Enabling the Disabled: The Struggle of Blind Russian Jews for Citizenship in the New Russia. In Why Post-Socialism is Good To Think, special issue of Anthropology of East Europe Review. Volume 18(1), Spring.

Grant, Bruce

1999 Editor and Author of Foreword and Afterword to, The Social Organization of the Gilyak, by Lev Shternberg. New York and Seattle: Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History and the University of Washington Press.

1999 Editor (English Translation), Neotraditionalism in the Russian North, edited in the Russian by Aleksandr Pika. Edmonton and Seattle: Canadian Circumpoloar Institute and the University of Washington Press.

1998 The Return of the Repressed: Conversations with Three Russian Entrepreneurs. In Paranoia within Reason. George Marcus, ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Graves III, William

2001  “The State and Private Enterprise in Belarus: The Cultural Dynamics of a Symbiotic Relationship,”(with L. Coakley), Ekonomika ir Vadyba (Journal of Economics and Management) Nr. 1 (4), Kaunas, Lithuania: Vilnius University.

1998  ” Leadership Behavior in Russian Defense Organizations: The Conflict Between Effective and Expected Courses of Action,” (with L. Coakley and L. Randall), in T. Scandura and M. Serapio (eds.), Research in International Business and International Relations, vol. 7, JAI Press.

1998  ” Transition to a Market Economy or Preservation of a Socialist Base?: Defense Conversion in Russia and Belarus,” (with L. Coakley and L. Randall), Journal of East-West Business, v. 3, nr. 4.

Gray, Patty

2005. The Predicament of Chukotka’s Indigenous Movement: Post-Soviet Activism in the Russian Far North. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Reviewed by Alex King.

2004 The Predicament of an Indigenous Movement in Chukotka, Russia’s Far North Region New York: Cambridge University Press.

In press ‘I should have some deer, but I don’t remember how many’: Confused ownership of reindeer in Chukotka, Russia. In Collective and Multiple Forms of Property in Land and Animals. G. Schlee and A. Khazanov, eds.

2003“Volga Farmers and Arctic Herders: Common (post)Socialist experiences in rural Russia.”In The Postsocialist Agrarian Question: Property Relations and the Rural Condition, ed. by Chris Hann, Vol. I in the series Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia.Muester: Lit Verlag.

2003 “Chukotkan Reindeer Husbandry in the Twentieth Century: In the Image of the Soviet Economy.” In Cultivating Arctic Landscapes: Knowing & Managing Animals in the Circumpolar North. D. Anderson and M. Nuttall, eds. Oxford: Berghahn Press.

2002 With Florian Stammler: “Siberia Caught between Collapse and Continuity,” Max Planck Research: Science Magazine of the Max Planck Society, 3/2002, pp. 54-61.

2002 With Florian Stammler: “Sibirien zwischen Kollaps und Kontinuitaet,” Max Planck Forschung: Das Wissenschaftsmagazin der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, 2/2002, pp.54-61

2001 The obshchina in Chukotka: Land, property and local autonomy. Working Paper No. 29 of the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.

2000 “Chukotkan Reindeer Husbandry in the Post-Socialist Transition,” Polar Research, Vol.19, No.1, pp. 31-38.

2000 “The Chukchi and Siberian Yupiit of the Russian Far East” (with Peter Schweitzer). In: Endangered Peoples: Struggles to Sustain Cultural Survival (Arctic volume), edited by Milton Freeman. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Grundey, Dainora

2005 November. Post-Communist Macroeconomic Transformations in CEEC and International Trade. In “Handbook on Post-Communist European Economics and Politics” (eds. Bruno S. Sergi and William T. Bagatellas). -20 p. -IURA EDITION, spol. s r. o., Oravska 17 – 821 09 Bratislava, SLOVAKIA.

2005 January. Leading article – Business Ethics in CEEC: a Discipline and Research Implications. In “Ethical Interpretations of Post-Communist Transition Economics and Politics in Europe” (eds. Bruno S. Sergi and William T. Bagatellas). -25 p. -IURA EDITION, spol. s r. o., Oravska 17 – 821 09 Bratislava, SLOVAKIA.

2004. Lithuania: Reforming Higher Education System. Dedicated to the 425th Anniversary of Vilnius University (1579), Lithuania// EAIE (European Association of International Education) Forum, Fall, 2004. The Netherlands. – 3 pp. Amsterdam: European Association for International Education, The Netherlands. ISSN 0927-572X.

2004. Competing in Food Technologies: Transition to Sustainable Consumption Patterns and Ethics (with Ciegis, R., Gronskas, V., Streimikiene, D.). International Journal of Scholarly Papers TRANSFORMATIONS IN BUSINESS & ECONOMICS, Vol. 3, No 2 (6). Brno-Kaunas-Riga-Vilnius: Vilnius University, University of Latvia and Brno University of Technology. -P. 58-79. ISSN 1648 – 4460 (

2004. The Asian Tiger has its own Tao (Way) (with Pranulis, V.P., Mockaitis, A.I.). International Journal of Scholarly Papers TRANSFORMATIONS IN BUSINESS & ECONOMICS, Vol. 3, No 2 (6). Brno-Kaunas-Riga-Vilnius: Vilnius University, University of Latvia and Brno University of Technology. -P. 160-164. ISSN 1648 – 4460 (

2004. Reforming Higher Education in Lithuania: 1990-200 and Beyond. Dedicated to the 425th Anniversary of Vilnius University (1579), Lithuania// EUROGLOB- A Review of Centre for International Studies and Relations, No 4, Year IV, 2004. -Bucharest: Romanian University of Sciences and Arts „Gheorghe Cristea“ (Romania). –P. 49-62. ISSN 1582-635X.

2004. Business Education at Universities: An International Comparative Survey of Interdisciplinary Programmes (with L. Verbauskiene, B. Toluba). In Business and Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe. –Brno: Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic. – P.11-21. ISBN 80-214-2717-5

2003. Guest Editorial – Sustainable Consumption and Green Marketing: Transforming Consumer Behaviour. International Journal of Scholarly Papers TRANSFORMATIONS IN BUSINESS & ECONOMICS, Vol. 2, No 1 (3). Brno-Kaunas-Riga-Vilnius: Vilnius University, University of Latvia and Brno University of Technology. -P. 19-49. ISSN 1648 – 4460 (

2003. The Issue of Education Quality in Universities: Assessing a Master Degree Program of Social Sciences in a Lithuanian University. In Integration of Market Economy Countries: Problems and Prospects. -Riga: Higher School of Economics and Culture (Latvia). – P. 244-257. ISBN 9984-24-070-3

2003. Public Policy for Sustainable Consumption and Production: Some Lessons from Canada and Lithuania. In Business and Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe in the Period of Joining to the European Union. – Brno: Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic). – P. 9-19. ISBN 80-214-2274-2

2003. Regional Management: Responsibility and Democracy in Lithuania (with Zilinskas, G.). In Business and Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe in the Period of Joining to the European Union. – Brno: Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic). – P. 20-30. ISBN 80-214-2274-2

2003. Keynote Speaker – Green Product Marketing and Sustainable Development of Consumption. 3rd International Scientific Conference „Society and Consumption: Economic-Managerial and Social-Cultural Factors“, 4-5 April, 2003. – Kaunas: Vilnius University. – P. 14-44. ISBN 9986-19-561-6

2003. Municipality Competence Analysis in the Lithuanian Agricultural Sector (with Zilinskas, G.). Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “New Trends of the Development of Industry”, 05-06 December, 2002. -Brno: Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic). – P.1-8. ISBN 80-214-2354-4.

2003. Baltic Electricity Market: Market Players, Sub-Markets and Future Trends (with Toluba, B.). Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “New Trends of the Development of Industry”, 05-06 December, 2002. -Brno: Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic). – P. 1-8. ISBN 80-214-2354-4.

2003. Eco Labels as Policy Instruments for Consumer and Environmental Protection from the European Perspective (with Akelaityte-Verbauskiene, L.) Proceedings of International Scientific Conference „New Trends of the Developemnt of Industry“, 26 – 27 November, 2003. – Brno: Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic). –P. 1-9. ISBN 80-214-251

Habeck, Joachim Otto

2005. What it Means to be a Herdsman: The Practice and Image of Reindeer Husbandry among the Komi of Northern Russia. Munster: LIT Verlag. (Reviewed by László Kürti).

Harper, Krista

2004″Hungary” and “Danube”, Encyclopedia of World Environmental History. Shepard Krech III, et al., eds. New York: Routledge.

2003 Introduction: Food and Foodways in Eastern Europe and Postsocialist Eurasia, (with Barbara West), Anthropology of Eastern Europe Review, special issue on Food and Foodways of Eastern Europe and Postsocialist Eurasia.

2003 “Green Carnivores, Mad Cows, And Gene Tech: The Politics Of Food In Hungarian Environmentalism,” Anthropology of Eastern Europe Review, special issue on Food and Foodways of Eastern Europe and Postsocialist Eurasia.

2002 Encounters with Wild Capitalism: Post-Socialist Environmentalism in Hungary, Meeting Report #248, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Eastern European Studies Program. Accesible at

2001 “Chernobyl Stories and Anthropological Shock in Hungary,” Anthropological Quarterly 74(3).

2001 “Citizen Sensibilities: Comparing Grassroots Environmental Activism in Finland and Hungary” (with Eeva Berglund), Anthropology of East Europe Review 19(1).

2001. The Tisza River Cyanide Disaster: Place-Specific Pitfalls in Managing Transboundary Environmental Disputes. In: History in Dispute: Global Water Issues, Mark Cioc, ed. Columbia, SC: Bruccoli Clark Layman. Forthcoming.

Hemment, Julie

2007. Empowering Women in Russia. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Highgate Road Social Science Research Station

2002 Russia and Her Neighbors, vol. 8-9, an Index of Soviet Anthropology and Archeology and Soviet Sociology for the years 1962-1986. Checks for US$25 should be sent to Highgate Rd. Social Science Research Station, 32 Highgate Rd., Berkeley, CA, 94707, USA.

2001 A Molokan’s Search for Truth: the correspondence of Leo Tolstoy with Fedor Zheltov. The book contains, in addition, introductions by Andrew Donskov and Ethel Dunn, placing the Molokans in the social history of the time. The price is $20, North American postage included. The Russian edition of this book was published for the first time ever by Slavic Research Group, University of Ottawa. We have a few copies of this for sale at $15, N.A. postage included.

Hivon, Myriam

1998 “Payer en liquide: L’utilisation de la vodka dans les échanges en Russie rurale.” In Les cadeaux: à quel prix?, ed. Sophie Chevalier and Anne Monjaret. Ethnologie Française, XXVIII, 4: 515-524.

1998 “The Bullied Farmer: social pressure as a survival strategy?” In Surviving Post-Socialism: Local Strategies and Regional Responses in eastern Europe and the former Soviet Unions, ed. Frances Pine and Sue Bridger, London, Routledge.

Hudgins, Sharon

2003 “Raw liver, singed sheep’s head, and boiled stomach pudding: encounters with traditional Buriat cuisine.” Sibirica: Journal of Siberian Studies. 3 (2):131-152.

2003 The Other Side of Russia: A Slice of Life in Siberia and the Russian Far East.  Texas A & M University Press.

2003 A Trinity of Siberian Easter Season Meals. In Anthropology of East Europe Review, Vol. 21, No. 1.

2000 Never an Ivory Tower: University of Maryland University College–The First 50 Years. Published by University of Maryland University College (with one section on University of Maryland program in Vladivostok and Irkutsk).

1999 A Thanksgiving to Remember: Witnessing the Collapse of Communism in Czechoslovakia. In The World & I, November, pp. 132-143.

James, Beverly

2005. Imaging Postcommunism: Visual Narratives of Hungary’s 1956 Revolution. College Station: Texas A&M University Press.

James, Jason

2004 “Recovering the German Nation: Heritage Restoration and the Search for Unity.” In Marketing Heritage: Archaeology and the Consumption of the Past. Edited by Uzi Baram and Yorke Rowan. AltaMira Press.

2000 “The Texture of Transition in the East German Borderland.” Review of Where the World Ended: Re-Unification and Identity in the German Borderland by Daphne Berdahl. H-SAE, H-Net Reviews.

Kandiyoti, Deniz, and Ruth Mandel, Guest editors

1998 Special issue of Central Asian Survey. Market reforms, social dislocations and survival in post-Soviet Central Asia. Vol. 17, No. 4, December.

Kaneff, Deema

2002  Post-Socialist Peasant? Rural and Urban Constructions of Identity in Eastern Europe, East Asia and the former Soviet Union, co-edited with P. Leonard. Palgrave.

2002  ‘Why People Don’t Die ”Naturally” Anymore: Changing Relations Between ”the Individual” and ”the State” in Post-Socialist Bulgaria’, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol: 8, no. 1 (March).

Kasten, Erich

2004 Ways of owning and sharing cultural property. In Properties of Culture – Culture as Property. Pathways to Reform in Post-Soviet Siberia. Berlin: Reimer Verlag. Pp 9-32.

1998 Handling Ethnicities and/or Securing Cultural Diversities: Indigenous and Global Views on Maintaining Traditional Knowledge. In Bicultural Education in the North: Ways of Preserving and Enhancing Indigenous Peoples’ Languages and Traditional Knowledge. Erich Kasten, editor. Münster/New York: Waxmann. Pp.1-11.

Kasten, Erich (editor)

2004 Properties of Culture – Culture as Property. Pathways to Reform in Post-Soviet Siberia. Berlin: Reimer Verlag.

2002 People and the Land. Pathways to Reform in Post-Soviet Siberia. Berlin: Reimer Verlag.

1998 Bicultural Education in the North: Ways of Preserving and Enhancing Indigenous Peoples’ Languages and Traditional Knowledge. Münster/New York: Waxmann.

Kiliçbeyli, Elif Hatun

2000 Avraziya i Ekonomicheskoye I²ntegratsiye. Ufa.Bashkirdistan.2000.25 str.

2000 Russia and EU:Strategic and Economic Partnership. Lieden.Holland. 38 str.

2000 Turkish Trading-Business Realations with Russia in Moscow. Moscow-Istanbul.44 str.

1998 Mejdunarodnaya Ekonomicheskaya Atnasheniye Turtsii i EMVEEF.Rassiskaya Akademiiya Nauk.Maskva.1998. 265 str.

King, Alexander D.

In Press (with Deema Kaneff). Owning Culture. Focaal. 44.

2004 Authenticity and Real Cultural Properties in the Russian Far East. In Erich Kasten, editor. Properties of Culture – Culture as Property: Pathways to Reform in Post-Soviet Siberia. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag. Pp. 51-65.

2004 Raven Tales from Kamchatka. In Brian Swann, editor, Voices from the Four Directions. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Pp. 3-24.

2003 Social Security in Kamchatka: Rural and Urban Comparisons. In The Postsocialist Agrarian Question. Chris Hann, editor. Münster: Litt-Verlag. Pp. 391-418.

2002 “Without Deer There is No Culture, Nothing”. Anthropology and Humanism. 27(2):133-164.

2002 Reindeer Herders’ Culturescapes in the Koryak Autonomous Okrug. In People and Land in the Russian North. Erich Kasten, editor. Seattle: University of Washington Press. Pp. 63-80.

1999 Soul Suckers: Vampiric shamans in Northern Kamchatka, Russia. Anthropology of Consciousness. 10 (4): 74-85.

Krupnik, Igor, Rachel Mason, and Tonia W. Horton, eds.

2004. Northern Ethnographic Landscapes: Perspectives from Circumpolar Nations. Artic Studies Center, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, Contributions to Circumpolar Anthropology Series, Volume 6. (Reviewed by Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer)

Kuehnast, Kathleen

2002 Women in Central Asia. In Encyclopedia of Modern Asia. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group. Forthcoming

2002 Marriage and Family in Central Asia. In Encyclopedia of Modern Asia. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group. Forthcoming.

2001 Dilemmas of Gender and Generation in Central Asia. In Women in Central Asia: A Turn of the Century Assessment. H. Esfiandiari, et al., ed. Washington DC: The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. 24-31.

2000a Ethnographic Encounters in Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan: Dilemmas of Gender, Poverty and the Cold War. In H. G. De Soto and N. Dudwick, Eds., Fieldwork Dilemmas: Anthropologists in Post-Socialist Societies. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.100-118.

2000b Coming of Age in Post-Soviet Central Asia: Dilemmas and Challenges Facing Youth and Children, Demokratizatsiya. Vol. 8, No. 2: 186-198.

Kuzmanovic, Tatjana Djuric

2003, forthcoming, “Gender inequalities in non-transitional and nationalist context in Vojvodina and Serbia during the last decades and some recent trends”, in A. Stulhofer, James and Veronica Elias, and T. Sandfort, eds, Sexualities in Transition, USA

2003 Some Notes on Gender Inequalities in Research and Writing about e-Business, (co-authored with Borislav Jo_anov), in: Harsha Parekh, Anja Vyas, Bharati Sen, Empowering women through information and knowledge – From OralTraditions to ICT, 2003, Mumbai: SNDT Women’s University

2002 “Transicion, Privatizacion Y Genero en Serbia. Impacto sobre el Mercado de trabajo, Papele del Este Transiones posconumista, Madrid: No 4

2001 “From State Directed Non-Development and Organized Gender Violence to Transition in Vojvodina and Serbia”, in Stryker, Rachael and Jennifer Patico. The Paradoxes of Progress: Globalization and Post socialist Cultures. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers. 2001, Volume 86: 27-35

published in Serbia and Montenegro (in English)

2002, Gender and Development in Serbia. From Directed Non-Development to Transition, Novi Sad, Serbia: Buducnost i Zenske studije i istrazivanja

Larson, Jonathan

[2013] Critical Thinking in Slovakia after Socialism. Rochester Studies in Central and Eastern Europe, University of Rochester Press.

2012 The Power of the Powerless, 2009 in Europe-Asia Studies, 64:2, 382-384.

2012 Mediation of the Past and Critical Analytics of/after Communism: Invited joint book review for H-Net HABSBURG of Post-Communist Nostalgia (Berghahn Books, 2010) and Remembering Communism: Genres of Representation (Social Science Research Council, 2010).

2011 Intimacy, Field Research, and 21st Century Worlds. Invited essay in Slovak Ethnologist, 59 (5, special issue in English on “Intimacy”): 541-547.

2011 Circulation of Critical Thinking. Commentary in Anthropology News 52 (2, theme issue on “Circulation of Knowledge and Culture”): 7.

2010 Debating A Debate That Is No Debate? Censure, Publication, and the Contexts of Moral Order in Postsocialist Slovakia, in Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 20 (1, special issue on “Argumentative Language and Conflict”): 134-148.

2009 Cosmologies of Criticism: Taste, (Dis)trust, and Uses of Literature in a Slovak Secondary School, in Critique of Anthropology, 29 (4): 1-23.

2008 Ambiguous Transparency: Resumé Fetishism in a Slovak Workshop, in Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology, 73 (2): 189-216.

Lemon, Alaina

2001 Between Two Fires: Gypsy Performance and Romani Memory from Pushkin to PostSocialism. Duke University Press.

2000 “Talking Transit and Spectating Transition: The Moscow Metro,” in Altering States: Anthropology in Transition, eds. Daphne Berdahl, Matti Bunzl,Martha Lampland. U. Michigan Press.

1998 “Shifting Metropes: Social Order and Chaos on the Moscow Metro,” in Review of Anthropology of East Europe and Russia, (fall).

1998 “Roma (Gypsies) in the USSR and the Moscow Teatr ‘Romen’,” in Gypsies: A Book of Interdisciplinary Readings, ed. Diane Tong, Garland.

1998 “Your Eyes are Green Like Dollars: Counterfeit Cash, National Substance, and Currency Apartheid in 1990s’ Russia,” in Cultural Anthropology 13/1: 22-55.

Leontieva, Alexandra N.

2001 “A Victim or a Capitalist Career Woman? Two Narratives from the Life of Russian Hard Currency Prostitutes: Vladimir Kunin’s Intergirl and Mikhail Weller’s Marina,” Haldis Haukanes (ed.), Women after Communism: Ideal Images and Real Lives, Center for Women’s and Gender Studies, University of Bergen.

2001 “Russisk litteratur mellom fortid, nåtid og fremtid,” [“Russian Literature between Past, Present, and Future”] (in Norwegian), Nordisk Østforum [Nordic East Forum] no. 3 (2001) p. 25 – 32. (ISSN 0801-7220).

2000 “The American Dovlatov: Hemingway and Salinger in Sergei Dovlatov’s Prose,” Slavic Almanach: The South African Year Book for Slavic, Central and East European Studies, eds. Agata Krzychylkiewicz, Efim Kurganov, Henrietta Mondry, Joseph Sherman, University of South Africa, Vol. 6 / Nos. 9 – 10. (ISSN 1025-3386).

1999 “Some Trends in Contemporary Russian Prose in the Light of Bakhtin’s Genre Theory,” Slavica Bergensia, Vol. 1: Dialogue and Rhetoric: Communication Strategies in Russian Text and Theory, ed. Ingunn Lunde, Bergen. (ISSN 1501-8954)

Lindquist, Galina

2006. Conjuring Hope: Healing and Magic in Contemporary Russia. New York: Berghahn Books.

2000 Not my will but Thine be done: Church versus magic in contemporary Russia. Culture and Religion,V.1, No2, pp.247-276.

2001 The culture of charisma. Anthropology Today, v.17, No 2, pp.3-8.

2001 Gurus, wizards and energoinformation fields: alternative medicine in post-Communist Russia. The Anthropology of East Europe Review, V.19, No 1,pp.16-28.

2001 Transforming signs: Typologies of affliction in contemporary Russian magic and healing. Ethnos, 66:2, pp.181-206.

2000 In search of the magic flow: Magic and Market in contemporary Russia. Urban Anthropology, v.29, No 4, pp.315-357.

2001 Breaking the waves: Voodoo magic in the Russian Cultural Ecumene. In: Stryker, Rachael and Jennifer Patico (eds.) The Paradoxes of progress: Globalization and Postsocialist Cultures. Kroeber Anthropological Society papers, No 86, pp.93-112.

2002 Spirtis and souls of business: New Russians, magic and the esthetics of kitsch. Journal of Material Culture, Vol.7(3): 329-343.

2002 Healing efficacy and the construction of charisma. A family’s journey over the multiple medical system in Russia. Anthropology and Medicine, Special issue. Countervailing creativity: Patient agency in the globalization of Asian medicines. V.9, No 3, pp.337-358.

Mandel, Ruth, and Caroline Humphrey, editors

2002 Markets and Moralities: Ethnographies of Postsocialism. Berg Press.

Mandel, Ruth

2002 “A Marshall Plan for the Mind: The Political Economy of a Kazakh Soap Opera” In Lila Abu-Lughod, Faye Ginsburg, Brian Larkin, eds. The Social Practice of Media. Berkeley: University of California Press, Forthcoming

2002 “Seeding Civil Society.” In Chris Hann, ed. Postsocialism: Ideas, Ideologies and Practices in Europe and Asia. London: Routledge

1998 “Structural adjustment and socap opera: a case study of a development project in Central Asia,” In Deniz Kandiyoti and Ruth Mande, eds. Special issue of Central Asian Survey, ‘Market reforms, social dislocations and survival in post-Soviet Central Asia’, (17)4:629-638.

Marko, Zivkovic

Forthcoming. Reverse Pygmalion in Serbia: an example of film analysis. Wide Angle.

2001 Jelly, Slush and Red Mists: Poetics of Amorphous Substances in Serbian Jeremiads of the 1990s, Anthropology and Humanism 25(2):1-15.

2000 The Wish to be a Jew: The Power of the Jewish Trope in The Yugoslav Conflict, Cahiers de l’URMIS nº 6:69-84, March 2000.

2000 Telling Stories of Serbia: Native and Other Dilemmas on the Edge of Chaos. In Hermine G. De Soto and Nora Dudwick, eds. Fieldwork Dilemmas: Anthropologists in Postsocialist Societies. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

Markowitz, Fran

2000 Coming of Age in Post-Soviet Russia. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, forthcoming (April).

1999a Not Nationalists: Russian Teenagers’ Soulful A-politics. Europe-Asia Studies 51(7):1183-1198

1999b”To Live Well, To Live at Ease”: Reflections on Life by Post-Soviet Russian Teenagers. Adolescence 34(134):339-350.

1997 Diasporas WIth a Difference: Jewish and Georgian Teenagers’ Ethnic Identity in the Russian Federation. Diaspora 6(3):331-353.

Marutyan, Harutyn

2002 Iconography of the Gharabagh Movement. An Index of the Transformation of Armenian Identity. In: Armenian Forum. A Journal of Contemporary Affairs, vol. 2, no. 4 (in press).

2001 Armenian Folk Arts, Culture, and Identity. Ed. by L.Abrahamian, N.Sweezy. Indiana University Press (co-author)

2001 Stories on Poverty. Ed by H.Kharatyan. Yerevan: Lusakn Press (in Armenian) (co-author).

2001 “The Saint of the Home”: the Problem of Sources and Present-day Functioning. In: Hayots srbere ev srbavayrere, Yerevan, p. 337-346 (in Armenian).

2000 Armenian Poetry as a Reflection of Identity (as shown in the Genocide Placards in the Karabagh Movement). In: Haigazian Armenological Review, vol. 20, p. 269-306 (in Armenian).

Mazur-Stommen, Susan

2005. Engines of Ideology: Urban Renewal in Rostock, Germany 1990-2000. Munster: Lit Verlag.

Miller, Tom

1999. Mannequins and Spirits: Representation and Resistance of Siberian Shamans. Anthropology of Consciousness 10(4).

1997. Drawing Shadows to Stone. With Barbara Mathe. In Kendall, Laurel, Barbara Mathe, and Thomas Ross Miller, Drawing Shadows to Stone: The Photography of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition, 1897-1902: 19-102. New York, Seattle and London: American Museum of Natural History and University of Washington Press.

Nicholson, Beryl

2003. From cow to customer: Informal marketing of milk in Albania. Anthropology of East Europe Review 17(2) (

2002. The wrong end of the telescope: Economic migrants, immigration policy, and how it looks from Albania. The Political Quarterly 73(4):436-444. Currently a free download at:

2002. Economic migration and asylum: a case for rethinking immigration policies. UNU/WIDER Conference on Poverty, International Migration and Asylum, Helsinki, 27-28 September.

2001. From migrant to micro-entrepreneur: Do-it-yourself development in Albania. South-East Europe Review 4(3):39-41.Free download at

1999. Albanian society between the wars: a working bibliography. Centre for Scandinavian Studies Papers/Skrifter 4. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. (Obtainable from the author by e-mail)

1999. The Census of the Austro-Hungarian occupied districts of Albania in spring 1918. A preliminary note on the manuscript census schedules. Centre for Scandinavian Studies Papers/Skrifter 5. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

1999. The beginning of the end of a rebellion. Southern Albania May-June 1997. East European Politics and Societies 13 (3):543-565.

1998. Down among the bandits: Fieldwork in South Albania May-June 1997. Network69:27-28.

Oushakine, Serguei Alex.

2003 “Crimes of Substitution: Detection in Late Soviet Society,” Public Culture, vol. 15 (3): 426-451.

2001 “The Fatal Splitting: Symbolizing Anxiety in Post-Soviet Russia,” Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology, 2001, vol. 66 (3): 291-319.

2003 (editor) Semeinye uzi: Modeli dlia sborki. (Family bonds: Models to assemble). Vols. 1-2. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. (in print)

2002 (editor) O muzhe(N)stvennosti (“On masculinity”). Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie.

2001. The Terrifying Mimicry of Samizdat, Public Culture. 13(2)

2000 The Quantity of Style: Imaginary Consumption in the Post-Soviet Russia, Theory, Culture and Society. 17 (5):97-120.

2000. In the State of post-Soviet Aphasia: Symbolic Development in Contemporary Russia, Europe-Asia Studies. 52(6):991-1016.

Patico, Jennifer

2001 Paradoxes of Progress: Globalization and Postsocialist Cultures. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Volume 91, co-edited and with an introduction by R. Stryker and J. Patico.

2001 Globalization in the Postsocialist Marketplace: Consumer Readings of Difference and Development in Urban Russia. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Volume 91.

2000 New Russian‚ Sightings and the Question of Social Difference in St. Petersburg. Anthropology of East Europe Review. Fall (Volume 18, no. 2).

Paxson, Margaret

2005 Solovyovo: The Story of Memory in a Russian Village, Indiana University Press and Woodrow Wilson Center Press. Reviewed by Michele Rivkin-Fish.

2004 “Bearing Russia’s Burdens,” The Wilson Quarterly. Summer.

2003 “Dying for the Truth in Russia,” Washington Post, October 19.

2002 “Letter from a Russian Village.” The Wilson Quarterly. Spring.

“The Cultural Dimension: Social Organization and the Metaphysics of Exchange,” in Rural Reform in Post-Soviet Russia, David O’Brien, Steven Wegren, and Larry Dershem, editors. Wilson Center and Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.

“The Ghosts of War: Russian’s Sons Come Home from Chechnya,” Washington Post Magazine. December 17, 2000. Photos by Lucian Perkins.1998 The Anthropology of East Europe Review, Article: The Festival of the Holy Trinity (Troitsa) in Rural Russia: A Case Study in the Topography of Memory.

1997 Washington Post Magazine, Article (1/7/97): History’s Harvest. Lucian Perkins, Photographer.

Pesmen, Dale

2003  Journal of Anthropological Research.  Review of Russian Culture, by Margaret Mead, Geoffrey Gorer, and John Rickman.

2002  Slavic Review, Review of Tundra Passages: History and Gender in the Russian Far East. by Petra Rethmann. pp 875-876

2000 “A Boggy, Soggy, Squitchy Picture,Truly”: Notes on Image Making in Anthropology and Elsewhere. Anthropology and Humanism. 25(2).

2000 Russia and Soul: an Exploration. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

2000 Tropes of Depth and the Russian Soul: Openings and Closings in Post-Soviet Siberia. In: Altering States: Ethnographies of the Transition in Eastern Europe and Russia. University of Michigan Press. Edited by Daphne Berdahl, Matti Bunzl and Martha Lampland.

1998 We lost some neatness: Mixed imagery and Russian incoherence.In Anthropology of East Europe Review. Fall.

Petrosyan, Hamlet L.

2001  Symbols of Aremenian Identity. In Armenian Folk Arts, Culture and Identity. Ed. by L.Abrahamian and N. Sweezy. Indiana University Press

2000  The Garden Perception and Iconography of the Crucifixion in Early Medieval Armenia. In: Armenia and Christian Orient, Yerevan, p. 187-192 (in Armenian).

1999  Armenian Cultural Heritage and Tolerance. In: Democracy Building in Armenia, Yerevan, p. 179-184 (in Armenian).

1999  Tolerance and Intolerance in Armenia: Traditional Sources and Contemporary Manifestations. In: Parity Democracy, Yerevan, p.37-41 (in Armenian).

1999  The Old Testament Episode of Descent of Noah’s Ark and the Historical and Mythical Circumstances of Renaming Masis to Ararat. In: International Conference “Biblical Armenia”. Oshakan, p. 51-52 (in Armenian).

Pilkington, Hilary

1998 Russian Cultural Studies 1953-1991. In An Introduction to Russian Cultural Studies, Oxford University Press. Forthcoming.

1997a Migration, Displacement and Identity in Post-Soviet Russia. Routledge.

1997b For the sake of the children…Gender and migration in the former Soviet Union. In Post Soviet-Women: From Baltic to Central Asia. ed. M. Buckley, Cambridge University Press.

1997c Putting back the ‘youth’ in youth cultural studies. Sociology Review, 7(1).

1997d ‘Zachem mne vrat’? Polevie zametki i professional’nie spory. Opyt primeneniia uglublennogo interv’iu’. In Rubesh: Al’manakh Sotsial’nikh Issledovanii, no. 10-11.

Poletaev, Dmitriy

2000 Illegal foreign labor force in Russian and in the world: comparative analysis. In Society, politics and science: new perspectives. Scientific reports serials, #103 – ?: Moscow Public Scientific Fund.

1999 Social and economic characteristics of illegal foreign employees in Moscow. Report at scientific conference “Current situation and perspectives of labor market and employment in Russia”. Moscow: Aktsikom.

1999 Illegal foreign labor force in Moscow (demographic and social & economic aspects): report at the conference of Young Scientists of Russia. In “The Russian Population Today.” Moscow: Economic department, MSU, TEIS.

1998 The problem of Illegal foreign labor force in Russia: report at the international conference “Demographical development and employment in the conditions of changing economy”. Moscow: Humanitary.

Popescu, Monica

1999 The Politics of Violence in Post-communist Films. Brasov: Concordia.

Prior, Daniel G.

2000 “Patron, party, patrimony: Notes on the cultural history of the Kirghiz epic tradition,” Papers on Inner Asia no. 33. Bloomington, IN: Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies.

Rethmann, Petra

2001 Tundra Passages: History and Gender in the Russian Far East. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.

2000 Skins of Desire: Poetry and Identity in Koriak Women’s Gift Exchange. American Ethnologist. 27: 52-72.

2000 A Hopeless Case?: The Politics of Gender in the Russian Far East. Anthropologica.42: 29-42.

Ries, Nancy

2002 “Everyday Comfort and Terror: Anthropology and Local Theory.” In New Literary History, 33(4).

2002 “’Honest Bandits’ and ‘Warped People’: Russian Narratives about Money, Corruption, and Moral Decay.” In Ethnography in Unstable Places. Carol Greenhouse, Elizabeth Mertz, and Kay Warren, eds. Duke University Press.

1999 “Business, Taxes, and Corruption in Russia.” Research Report in Anthropology of East Europe Review, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Spring, 1999).

1997 Russian Talk: Culture and Conversation during Perestroika. Cornell University Press.

Rivkin-Fish, Michele

2005. Women’s Health in Post-Soviet Russia: The Politics of Intervention. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Reviewed by Amy Ninetto.

[in press] “Gender and Democracy: Challenges of Dialogue and Engagement in Russiaî In Post-Soviet Women Encountering Transition, Kathleen Kuehnast and Carol Nechemias, eds. Woodrow Wilson Center Press.

[in press] “Moral Science and the Management of Sexual Revolution in Russia” In The Moral Object of Sex, Vincanne Adams and Stacy Pigg, eds. Duke University Press.

[in press] “Gifts, Bribes, and Unofficial Payments: Towards an Anthropology of Corruption in Russia” In Corruption: Anthropological Perspectives, Dieter Haller and Cris Shore, eds. London: Pluto Press.2001 Personal Transitions and Moral Change After Socialism: The Politics of Remedies in Russian Public Health. The Anthropology of East Europe Review. Spring.

2003 “Anthropology, Demography, and the Search for a Critical Analysis of Fertility: Insights from Russia” American Anthropologist 105(2):289-301.

2003 “Rethinking Western Strategies for Democracy Building: A Response to Ishkanianî Armenian Forum 3 (1): 51-57

2000 Health Development Meets the End of State Socialism: Visions of Democratization, Women’s Health, and Social Well-Being for Contemporary Russia. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 24: 77-100.

Rogers, Douglas

2005 Moonshine, Money, and the Politics of Liquidity in Rural Russia. American Ethnologist 32(1).

2004 An Ethics of Transformation: Work, Prayer, and Moral Practice in the Russian Urals, 1861-2001 Ph.D Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan.

Roman, Denise

2003 Fragmented Identities: Popular Culture, Sex, and Everyday Life in Postcommunist Romania (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield Publishers).

2001 The Mythical Jew: Anti-Semitism, Intellectuals, and Democracy in Post-Communist Romania. Nationalities Papers vol. 29 no. 3: 419-439.

2001 Gendering Eastern Europe: Pre-Feminism, Prejudice, and East-West Dialogues in Post-Communist Romania. Women’s Studies International Forum vol. 24 no. 1: 1-14.

2000 Les angoisses fin-de-siècle des intellectuels roumains: démocratie, conservatism et antisémitisme. [Fin-de-siècle Anxieties of Romanian Intellectuals: Democracy, Conservatism, and Anti-Semitism], trans. Yves Tomic, Balkanologie vol. IV, no.1(Paris-France): 105-129.

2000 Poststructuralism. in Encyclopedia of Postmodernism. Victor E. Taylor and Charles E. Winquist, Eds. London and New York: Routledge: 308-310.

Sabloff, Paula L. W.

2003 Mongolia: Does Democracy Have a Future? Perihelion (January), a website journal for policymakers in the Russia, the U.S., Britain, and other EU countries. (

2002a Why Mongolia? The Political Culture of an Emerging Democracy. Central Asian Survey Vol. 21, No. 1.

2002b The Democratic Legacy of Genghis Khan. In The Democracy Reader, Sondra Myers, ed. New York: International Debate Education Association (Open Society Institute).

2002c Review of Rulers of the Steppe for Visual Anthropology. American Anthropologist Vol. 104, No. 1, pp.312-314.

2001 Modern Mongolia: Reclaiming Genghis Khan. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. (I edited and wrote the last chapter.)

1999a Higher Education in the Post-communist World: Eight Case Studies. Volume 14 in the Garland Series in Higher Education. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc. (I edited the volume.)

1999b Differential Distribution of Political Knowledge in Two Regions of Mongolia: National Science Foundation Grant Proposal Funded 1998. PoLAR (The Political and Legal Anthropology Review) Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 123-127.

Schwartz, Katrina Z.S.

2006. Nature and National Identity After Communism: Globalising the Ethnoscape. Pittsburg: University of Pittsburg Press.

Schoeberlein, John

2000 “Shifting Ground: How the Soviet Regime Used Resettlement to Transform Central Asian Society and the Consequences of This Policy Today,” in Migration in Central Asia: Its History and Current Problems, p. 41-64, Osaka: Japan Center for Area Studies.

2000 “The Caspian region: Geography, Population and National Identity,” in H. Amirahmadi, ed., The Caspian Region at a Crossroad: Challenges of a New Frontier of Energy and Development, pp. 29-53, with Alisher Ilkhamov, New York: St. Martin’s Press.

2000. Guide to Scholars of Central Asia. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Central Asia Forum (forthcoming fall).

2000 “Between two worlds: Obstacles to development and prosperity,” Harvard international review, 22(1)56-61. Cambridge, Mass., Winter/Spring.

1999 “Central Asian Studies in an International Context,” in Birgit Schlyter and Mirja Juntunen, eds.: Re-entering the Silk Routes: Current Scandinavian Research on Central Asia, pp. 23-44. New York: Kegan Paul International.

Schweitzer, Peter P.

2003a Levels of Inequality in the North Pacific Rim: Cultural Logics and Regional Interaction. In Hunter-Gatherers of the North Pacific Rim. J. Habu, J.M. Savelle, S. Koyama and H. Hongo, Eds. (Senri Ethnological Series 63). Osaka, Japan: National Museum of Ethnology: 83-101.

2003b Failing At Bering Strait? The Jesup North Pacific Expedition and the Study of Culture Contact. In Constructing Cultures Then and Now: Celebrating Franz Boas and the Jesup North Pacific Expedition. Laurel Kendall and Igor Krupnik, Eds. Washington, DC: Arctic Studies Center, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution: 49-61.

2002 Jäger, Tierseelen und Umweltschützer. Indigene und europäische Umweltbilder auf der Tschuktschen-Halbinsel [Hunters, Animal Souls, and Environmentalists: Indigenous and European Notions of the Environment on the Chukchi Peninsula]. In Metamorphosen der Natur. Ethnologische Studien zum Verhältnis von Weltbild und natürlicher Umwelt. [Metamorphoses of Nature: Ethnological Studies on the Relationship between Worldviews and Natural Environments]. A. Gingrich, E. Mader, Eds. Vienna: Böhlau: 317-335.

2001a (together with Evgeniy Golovko) Pamiat’ o voine: konstruirovanie vneshnego konflikta v kul’ture etnicheskikh obshchnostei Beringova proliva [Memories of Warfare: The Construction of External Conflict in the Indigenous Communities of the Bering Strait Area]. In Trudy fakul’teta etnologii Evropeiskogo universiteta v Sankt-Peterburge. St. Petersburg: Evropeiskii universitet v Sankt-Peterburge: 26-37.

2001b Arctic: Sociocultural Aspects. In International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. London: Elsevier. Volume 1: 649-652.2000 The Social Anthropology of the Russian Far North. In: The Arctic: Environment, People, Policy. Mark Nuttall and Terry V. Callaghan, Eds. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers: 411-439.

2000 Silence and Other Misunderstandings: Russian Anthropology, Western Hunter-Gatherer Debates, and Siberian Peoples. In: Hunters and Gatherers in the Modern World: Conflict, Resistance, and Self-Determination. Peter P. Schweitzer, Megan Biesele, Robert K. Hitchcock, Eds. New York: Berghahn Books: 29-51.

2000 (together with Patty A. Gray) The Chukchi and Siberian Yupiit of the Russian Far East. In: Endangered Peoples of the Arctic: Struggles to Survive and Thrive. Milton M. R. Freeman, Ed. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press: 17-37.

1999 The Chukchi and Siberian Yupik of the Chukchi Peninsula, Russia. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers, Richard B. Lee and Richard Daly, Eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 137-141.1999. Im Land des Weißen Todes: Sibirien und die Nordost-Passage. In: Im Bannkreis des Nordens. Oststeinbek, Germany: Alouette Verlag: 156-203.

1999 Die Völker